Equal Partnerships

African intermediary cities as actors and partners in urban migration governance

The Equal Partnerships project explores the opportunities and challenges of collaborative, urban migration governance in African intermediary cities. Through participatory research, workshops, and networking formats, we bring together local, national, and international actors to develop practical impulses and policy recommendations for multi-stakeholder partnerships.

City reports

Equal Partnerships news

How is climate change reshaping migration patterns globally? Find out this autumn with a new podcast 'Voices on The Move', which we are producing with @MigrMatters @DIGHR_YorkU in Canada & @HABITABLE_H2020 with support from @SSHRC_CRSH. Read more⬇️

There are 8 actions African leaders and international partners can take by 2030 that place people at the centre of climate action.

Action #7: Invest in resilient and connected cities

To learn more, explore our African Shifts report: https://africa.climatemobility.org/report

The project is dead - long live the project! New @ZolbergInst & @EqualPartnersh1 working paper asking how multi-stakeholder partnerships for locally led action on #migration & #climate #mobility in African #cities can become more sustainable

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